Employer FAQ
Signing Up and Logging In
How do I sign up as a new user on hire.chronicle.com?
Click Create account in the upper right corner of your screen. There you will see “Don’t have a Chronicle account?” and you should click Sign Up. Enter your first and last name, email, and choose a password. Click Sign Up to submit the form. If your email is already in use, you can click Forgot Password to reset it.
- Note: Some users who had an account prior to our platform update in June 2022 may need to Sign Up for a new account if they have not yet created a password on our new system. Please contact support for persistent login issues.
Can I use my credentials to login to chronicle.com?
Yes, your credentials give you access to articles, news, and more on chronicle.com, and can be used to create a job seeker profile on jobs.chronicle.com.
Are my login credentials different for hire.print.chronicle.com?
They could be. In June 2022, The Chronicle changed job board platforms. Accounts for print and digital ad purchases are now separate and you have the option of choosing different login credentials for each site. All ads posted prior to June 2022 are archived at hire.print.chronicle.com, but to place new online ads, users will need to go to hire.chronicle.com and follow the instructions above for creating a new account.
Why were my login credentials rejected?
There are a number of reasons why your login credentials may not work. To troubleshoot, try resetting your password by clicking Forgot Password on the sign in page. If you do not receive an email, the account does not exist, and you should create a new account. If you continue to experience issues, please contact support.
Creating a Company Profile
What is the difference between 'principal organization' and 'company name'?
Company name is displayed on the job ad as the Employer. Principal organization is used internally by The Chronicle for billing purposes and administrative support. The principal organization is not displayed externally.
For example: If you are hiring for a position within the Duke University Mathematics Department, that is your company name, while Duke University is your principal organization.
What if my principal organization is not listed?
If you do not see your principal organization listed, please select the “Principal Organization Not Listed” option.
How do I get added to an existing company profile?
If you are a new user on hire.chronicle.com that wants to be added to an existing company profile, simply contact support with your name and institution/organization. Once you are added as a company user, you will be able to use any purchased job credits.
- Note: If you represent a search firm or agency, you do not need to fill out the Company Information form and should instead contact support.
How do I edit my employer information?
When you are logged in to hire.chronicle.com, you will see your company name in the navigation bar with a gear icon. Click your company name to open the Company Management page. Here you can edit your information and save your changes.
- Pro Tip: Upload and resize your logo to 360x180 pixels to make posting jobs in the future even faster! There are many free resources online to help with resizing. Our system currently refreshes weekly, so please reach out if your changes are not reflected on your Company Management page after a week has passed.
Digital Job Ads
What are the different options for posting a digital job ad with The Chronicle?
The Chronicle offers a variety of recruitment products ranging from a single job ad to multi-packs, all the way up to unlimited job ad packages. We also offer a variety of upgrades and additional distribution options to meet your unique recruitment needs.
How do I post a job ad online at jobs.chronicle.com?
First, you will need to create a user account and input your company information (jump to the Account Setup section for additional help). If you already have an account, just sign in, choose a product, and follow the prompts to post your job today!
Can I automate my job postings?
Yes. By purchasing an annual unlimited job ad package, you have the option of setting up a direct connection to our platform to take advantage of “job scraping".
How do I edit my job ad or add an upgrade?
Click on Your Jobs from the navigation menu (if you do not see Your Jobs, please sign in). Then, select the job you wish to edit or upgrade from the Your Jobs list by clicking on its title. You can then choose from the panel whether you would like to edit, copy, upgrade, or expire the ad.
Can I delete my job ad?
Yes. Click on Your Jobs from the navigation menu (if you do not see Your Jobs, please sign in). Then, find the job you wish to delete and click “Expire” to the right of the ad’s title.
What is Credit Balance?
Your credit balance is the number of postings you have prepaid for and can draw from for new job ads. When you have a credit balance, a new tab will be available in your navigation bar next to Your Jobs.
What is the "Choose a template" option when building an ad?
Choosing a Template allows you to select a previously booked ad and populate all fields with information from the previous ad. Any of the information can be edited prior to booking. Templates can be used to expedite booking.
What do each of the application methods mean?
- External Redirect: sends your applicants directly to your school or company's jobsite when they click on the "Apply on website" button on the job ad.
- Email Applications: this option generates an application form on the job ad that allows a job seeker to apply directly from jobs.chronicle.com, saves the record of application to the job (which you can view from Your Jobs tab), and forwards the application to the email you provided.
- Response Management: this option is identical to Email Applications except that it does NOT email you the application. It allows you to manage the applications from the Your Jobs tab while reducing the number of email notifications.
- Offline Applications: this option relies on the information you input in the Position Description to instruct job seekers on how to apply.
Extended Network and Network Boost
What are the new Extended Network and Network Boost offerings?
To help you reach a more diverse talent pool, we have expanded our network of Diversity sites and aggregator sites. With the Extended Network (available in the Network Boost and Premium Exposure packages or as an Upgrade), your job ad will be placed on 30+ diversity-focused job sites - including DiversityWorking.com, LatPro.com, AfricanAmericanJobSite.com, LGBTJobSite.com, and ProDivNet.com for 30 days, and be distributed programmatically across the nation's largest job boards.
What are the benefits of this new offering?
The Extended Network (available in the Network Boost and Premium Exposure packages or as an Upgrade) will increase awareness of your open position to a more diverse pool of qualified candidates looking for their next career opportunity in higher education and receive on average, 6x more views than a Basic Job Posting. Through the new network, your job posting is distributed to more than 4x the number of Diversity sites than our previous network, and we have renamed the products to better reflect these new enhancements and benefits.
Where can I find more information about the Extended Network upgrade and Network Boost package?
We appreciate your interest, and you can find out more about these product offerings by visiting hire.chronicle.com or by contacting support.
Job Ad Performance and History
What reporting metrics are available for my job ads?
You will be able to see the number of views and applications for each job ad. Tracking for applications varies based on the application method chosen (see the Digital Job Ads section for more details on the different application methods you can choose).
Where can I find the performance metrics for each job ad?
Once logged in, click Your Jobs from the navigation bar. On this page, you can search for a specific job ad or filter based on status. To find historical data, filter your jobs for the status “Expired”.
Where are my archived jobs?
Archived job ads are stored on two separate systems, both of which are accessible to the user who initially placed the advertisement.
- For job ads posted prior to June 27, 2022, please visit our print/legacy recruitment site at hire.print.chronicle.com.
- For job ads placed after June 27, 2022, please login at hire.chronicle.com and click Your Jobs from the navigation bar.
Still not finding your job ad? There are several reasons why job ad information may not be available. Please contact support and provide the job title, approximate date of posting, and order confirmation information if available.
Where can I find an affidavit of publication or other documentation related to my job ad?
Please contact support and provide the job title, approximate date posted, and any other order information you may have. We will generate an affidavit of publication and any other documentation you need to ensure the ad has been verifiably published in our electronic or print national publications. You should ensure that the ad product type you choose satisfies your state's and school's legal requirements before purchasing.
Print Job Ads
How do I post a job ad in a print edition of The Chronicle?
Visit hire.print.chronicle.com or fill out this form and select "Print or Online Package".
About The Chronicle of Higher Education
Where can I learn more about the publication?
In brief, The Chronicle of Higher Education has the nation’s largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities. As the unrivaled leader in higher education journalism, we serve our readers with indispensable real-time news and deep insights, plus the essential tools, career opportunities, and knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Read more on the About Us page.
Is this different from The Chronicle of Philanthropy?
Yes, The Chronicle of Philanthropy is an independent nonprofit which you can read more about here. Visit hire.philanthropy.com to post a job and refer to the Contact Us page for customer support related to The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
More Help
For any other outstanding questions please contact support for assistance.